It’s clear that more resources gives the Van Doorn Foundation the ability to provide study funding for more young people and to provide financial support to more educational projects. Your financial contribution – big or small – is therefore necessary, more than welcome and will be well spent!
You can contribute financially to learning opportunity for everyone by transferring an amount to the Van Doorn Stichting.
Our bank details are:
Rabobank – attn. Van Doorn Stichting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- IBAN NL71 RABO 0157 8489 14
Please state the purpose of your donation in the description of the transfer, for example:
- description STUDY FUNDING
= Your contribution is meant for study funding for youth.
Please note: who receives the funding is decided by our board members, not by the donors. - description PROJECT FUNDING
= Your contribution is meant for project funding.
The project that receives the funding can be decided by our board members. - description [NAME OF PROJECT]
= Your contribution is meant for the project mentioned by you.
If you do not specify a purpose, we will determine the destination of your donation.
Of course, the amount of your donation is up to you. It’s never too small; any amount is more than welcome!
We thank you in advance for your support!
The Van Doorn Foundation by the Dutch Tax Authorities recognised as a public Benefit Organization or ANBI (RSIN-nummer 810411945).