by Lisa Kranendonk | Dec 14, 2021
Tools for vocational training for youth in Ndola – Zambia Prison Fellowship organizes vocational training in Ndola prison to prepare inmates for their reintegration into society. Prison Fellowship now also wants to provide vocational training in two townships of...
by Lisa Kranendonk | May 5, 2020
Computers for Chipole Vocational Training Centre in Tanzania The Chipole vocational training centre once started as an informal craft school and has gradually evolved into a more formal government-recognized technical school. A condition for this recognition is that...
by Lisa Kranendonk | Mar 15, 2020
Tools for vocational training and apprenticeship in Cameroon The Bethleem Foundation in Cameroon wants to increase the capacity of its training centre from 50 to 150 students per year and thereby providing the ”most at risk youth” training so they have a...
by Marjan Schaapman | Nov 25, 2019
Computer skills for young people in Kenya The Turkana Community Foundation in Kenya wants to set up a computer training course in its existing training centre to increase the competitiveness of young people on the labour market. An amount of € 4,240 was required to...
by Marjan Schaapman | Oct 25, 2019
Expansion carpentry training in Uganda ABEXINAH, a local, non-governmental and non-profit organisation, wants to teach underprivileged youngsters carpentry skills, so that they can earn a living after the training with the production and sale of furniture, start their...