The Van Doorn Foundation has made funds available for the purchase of a laptop, LCD projector and projection screen for the Anna Nanjala Training Centre.
These are needed to improve the teachers-training, to support students in graduation classes and showing educational and non-educational films to school-going youth from the surrounding villages.
Ineke Sutmuller, Kitty van Woezik, Wil Nijenhof from Nijmegen and Jan-Jaap van der Ven, Arnold Hop and Robert de Graaf from Spakenburg succeeded in gathering the required amount.
Project has been executed successfully!
Amount collected: € 1,100.-
Project information
The situation
The Anna Nanjala Training Centre for teachers was established in 2003 and is situated in Lodwar, in the far north of Kenya near to the border of Southern Sudan. The main target of the centre is supporting the education system within the entire province of Turkana.
The support mainly consists of educating the teachers, maintaining contact with the primary and secondary schools in the province, supporting students in their senior years and providing educative and recreational movies to the students from the surrounding villages.
The importance of the project
The centre only had a small TV and a VCR. Teachers had a hard time watching the training movies on the small TV screen and students would jostle around the TV to get a glimpse of the movies, which even lead to danger of suffocation of the youngest.
The envisaged project results
The application from the Anna Nanjala Centrum addressed the financing of a laptop, a projector and a large projection screen, to enable all children to watch the movies and to improve the quality of the teacher-education. Early in 2012, the Van Doorn Foundation approved this application.
The progress of the project
A fundraising action has been held in the course of 2012 for this funding request. Ineke Sutmuller, Kitty van Woezik, Wil Nijenhof from Nijmegen and Jan-Jaap van der Ven, Arnold Hop and Robert de Graaf from Spakenburg succeeded in gathering the required amount of €1,100.-!
At the beginning of 2013, the Anna Nanjala Education Centre could put in use a computer, projector and projection screen.
The result
This has led to a major improvement of the teacher-education and films can be shown the larger groups of children than previously. It goes without saying that both teachers and students and the management of the Anna Nanjala Centre are totally enthusiastic!
We are extremely thankful to our sponsors. Thanks to their engagement, the Van Doorn Foundation was again able to contribute to the improvement of education for disadvantaged youth!
For these projects your support is necessary!

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